Meet The Author
If the word: “retired”, conveys an image of a sedate, relaxed life, Andy Walker doesn’t fit it. Well into the back side of his seventh decade, he still skis moguls wherever he finds them, and ice skates almost daily in pursuit of Olympic Gold, but only if they’ll form a category for those over 100 years old and he manages to live that long. Mountain biking still gives him an opportunity to lose weight, but it’s usually from leaving skin on the trail. Forty three years flying airplanes for a living, and growing up at his family’s ski lodge, 9,400 feet above sea level, combine to give him enough yarn to spin, well beyond his Olympic dreams of glory. He’s written for decades, just for the pure fun of it, but never published until “A Pilot’s Tale”. He bends, warps, and mauls words into sentences for six to eight hours, nearly every day, nestled in a mountain home east of Salt Lake City where he lives with his lovely wife, Marcia.